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Advertise Your Black Friday Sales With A Neon Sign

November 18, 2022 3 min read

Neon signs have a rich history in advertising that is still thriving today! As November is just around the corner, you’re likely to be thinking about your Black Friday sales as a business. Amongst creating and planning your deals, you’re likely to be thinking about the ways you can advertise them too. 

Alongside many modern ways of advertising such as through social media, why not go back to a more traditional method? That traditional method being a bright, shining, authentic neon sign made by us!

How a neon sign can help advertise your Black Friday sales

At Neon Creations, we can design you a custom neon sign to help advertise your products and sales. Neon is an incredibly effective way to advertise. Dating back to 1912 in Paris, neon has been an effective tool for bringing in customers for over a 100 years now!

Here’s a few reasons why you should consider designing a neon sign for your business.

Captures attention 

The best way to draw attention to your sales is through an eye catching sign advertising your offers. At Neon Creations, our team can design you a custom neon sign that is tailored to your expectations and needs. 

Neon signs have been used in shop windows for years to capture the attention of passersby, they’d make an excellent addition to any shop window display!

Draws people to your brand

When people are Black Friday shopping, they’re always on the hunt for the best sales. To have your business stand out from the crowd you have to draw people to your brand in a unique way. What better way to draw attention than a bright, mesmerising neon sign! 

When you create a neon sign with us, we can tailor it to match your brand. With 40 colours available, you’ll be able to find the one that's right for you. Here are some popular neon colours.

The different types of neon signs for advertising 

At Neon Creations, we can create any kind of neon sign that you would like. Our custom made neon signs can be made to match your requirements, however we also have general neon signs available too. You can definitely use neon to create a buzz around your brand. Here are a few ideas of the neon signs we can create for you this Black Friday.

Sale - A neon sign that reads “Sale” is a classic way of capturing the attention of passersby. This sign can alert potential customers that you have some sales and offers going on, encouraging them to come in and take a look for themselves. The beauty of this sign is that it can be used time and time again!

20% Off -If your Black Friday sales include having a certain amount off, then this kind of sign is perfect for you. Letting potential customers know exactly what kind of deal you have going on, could tempt them to stop by. 

Your brand name -If you’re wanting to draw people to your brand specifically this Black Friday, why not light up your brand's name in gorgeous neon colours? This sign can also be used again and again and could become a permanent piece of decor for your business. 

Why not attract attention all year round with a stunning neon sign for your brand?

For any enquiries about buying, hiring, or designing a neon sign, feel free to contact our team today.